Welcome to DiaMonitor web page!
- An online diary about your diabetes control.
- Full version of DiaMonitor at your disposal free of charge!
- New: A guide in PDF, so far in Czech only: diamonitor.pdf
The denomination DiaMonitor refers to a diary about your diabetes. DiaMonitor is an online interactive day book that was designed in order to be suitable for keeping records of your diabetes self-care. DiaMonitor is capable of quick and transparent evaluation of your records. DiaMonitor service enables you to make right decisions on potential adjustments of your daily routine with the aim of achieving good diabetes control. Full version of DiaMonitor is at your disposal online and free of charge!
- Easy dia-records keeping in a time context.
- Automatic generation of fundamental statistics based on your glycemia records.
- A simpler evaluation of you diabetes control by you and your doctor with the aid of DiaMonitor statistics.
- To motivate a diabetic patient to an adequate regular self-care.
DiaMonitor is intended for a comfortable dia-records keeping which includes the amount of carbohydrates and insulin intake, physical activity and stress that are involved in your daily routine. These records are processed by DiaMonitor into basic statistics of your glycemia with respect to time. Such statistics represent a useful tool for an evaluation of your diabetes self-care that can be carried out by you and your doctor. DiaMonitor was developer with a primary aim to motivate a diabetic patient to take care of his diabetes in an adequate and a regular way.
- A secure dia-records keeping available online whenever and wherever you want.
- Manual data insertion.
- Insulin intake (amount and type) for carbohydrates intake (amount) at a certain time.
- Measured glycemia at a certain time.
- A note to an event at a certain time.
- Import data from glucose meter (at the moment only Accu-Chek® by means of Accu-Chek® Smart Pix) where the data is automatically organized in DiaMonitor diary with respect to time.
- DiaMonitor automatically organizes records in time also with respect to main dishes timing.
- Automatic generation of fundamental statistics based on your glycemia records measured in time.
- Average, coefficient of variation, maximum and minimum of measured glycemia for a defined time period.
- Weighted time average of your glycemia.
- Number and average number of your measurement for a selected time period.
- Graphics data processing for a selected time period:
- Time graph (glycemia - time).
- Week graph (glycemia – time in weeks).
- Daily graph (glycemia – time during days).
- An easier decision making about potential adjustments of your daily routines where you can make use of short-term or long-term DiaMonitor statistics.
- Evaluation of action of your body and reaction of your mind to it and vice a versa at a certain time by means of DiaMonitor records.